Module water_security.utils.nlp

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import numpy as np
import spacy

    nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")
    nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin

class SimilarityAnalysis(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    Creates similarity matrix to the provided pandas series. Can be fitted to a specific data.
    The computed non empty spacy vectors will then be used as reference to compare with another

    def __init__(self):
        self.similarity_vectors = None

    def fit(self, description):
        Creates an sxs matrix
        ret = description.apply(lambda x: nlp(".".join(x)))
        self.similarity_vectors = [x for x in ret if x]
        return self

    def transform(self, description):
        Produces a nxs matrix
        ret = description.apply(lambda x: nlp(".".join(x)))
        ret = np.vstack(
                lambda x: [
                    (x.similarity(y) if x else np.nan) for y in self.similarity_vectors
        return ret

    def fit_transform(self, description):
        Produces a nxn matrix
        ret = description.apply(lambda x: nlp(".".join(x)))
        self.similarity_vectors = [x for x in ret if x]
        ret = ret.apply(
            lambda x: [
                (x.similarity(y) if x else np.nan) for y in self.similarity_vectors
        ret = np.vstack(ret)
        return ret

def create_sim_vector(description):
    return SimilarityAnalysis().fit_transform(description)


def create_sim_vector(description)
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def create_sim_vector(description):
    return SimilarityAnalysis().fit_transform(description)


class SimilarityAnalysis

Creates similarity matrix to the provided pandas series. Can be fitted to a specific data. The computed non empty spacy vectors will then be used as reference to compare with another dataset.

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class SimilarityAnalysis(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    Creates similarity matrix to the provided pandas series. Can be fitted to a specific data.
    The computed non empty spacy vectors will then be used as reference to compare with another

    def __init__(self):
        self.similarity_vectors = None

    def fit(self, description):
        Creates an sxs matrix
        ret = description.apply(lambda x: nlp(".".join(x)))
        self.similarity_vectors = [x for x in ret if x]
        return self

    def transform(self, description):
        Produces a nxs matrix
        ret = description.apply(lambda x: nlp(".".join(x)))
        ret = np.vstack(
                lambda x: [
                    (x.similarity(y) if x else np.nan) for y in self.similarity_vectors
        return ret

    def fit_transform(self, description):
        Produces a nxn matrix
        ret = description.apply(lambda x: nlp(".".join(x)))
        self.similarity_vectors = [x for x in ret if x]
        ret = ret.apply(
            lambda x: [
                (x.similarity(y) if x else np.nan) for y in self.similarity_vectors
        ret = np.vstack(ret)
        return ret


  • sklearn.base.BaseEstimator
  • sklearn.base.TransformerMixin


def fit(self, description)

Creates an sxs matrix

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def fit(self, description):
    Creates an sxs matrix
    ret = description.apply(lambda x: nlp(".".join(x)))
    self.similarity_vectors = [x for x in ret if x]
    return self
def fit_transform(self, description)

Produces a nxn matrix

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def fit_transform(self, description):
    Produces a nxn matrix
    ret = description.apply(lambda x: nlp(".".join(x)))
    self.similarity_vectors = [x for x in ret if x]
    ret = ret.apply(
        lambda x: [
            (x.similarity(y) if x else np.nan) for y in self.similarity_vectors
    ret = np.vstack(ret)
    return ret
def transform(self, description)

Produces a nxs matrix

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def transform(self, description):
    Produces a nxs matrix
    ret = description.apply(lambda x: nlp(".".join(x)))
    ret = np.vstack(
            lambda x: [
                (x.similarity(y) if x else np.nan) for y in self.similarity_vectors
    return ret